Sunday, March 05, 2006

I'm a Pastor

March 5, 2006

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope to make this a semi-regular (although doesn't that also make it semi-irregular?) habit (is that contradictory? Can a habit be semi-regular?).

Ok, we're off to a bad start.

Each Sunday night or Monday morning I want take up some cyber real estate to develop my writing skills while expounding on life between the sermons. Yes I am a pastor, but fear not, the very title of this blog prevents me from preaching because preaching takes place during the sermon. And don't get me wrong, I'm all for sermons. I love to listen to good preachers and I love to hone my own abilities as a preacher, even if it's painful for my audience. But life takes a brief hiatus during a sermon, at least, during a good sermon. For 30-45 minutes I'm captivated by a good preacher as I wrestle with concepts, teachings and applications to concepts and teachings. A good sermon engages my mind, taps into my emotions and motivates me to think, feel and/or act differently. A good sermon might bring about an end to an old habit or bring about the start of a new one. A good sermon stays with you for a while. But what happens from one sermon to the next? What happens when one sermon ends and the other hasn't yet started?


I guess that's where I hope this blog picks up. That not-so-magical point when the sermon has ended and life sweeps you back in to her torrid pace because for me, life happens between the sermons.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope we can make this a semi-regular date.


At 9:42 AM, Blogger Mommer said...

I'm in. Keep writing. I'll keep reading.

I like the user name, too. :)


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